Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Apparently according to my ticker I should be a P90X grad by now... But...

We accidentally did 1 too many weeks in the 1st phase
In the 2nd phase Jonathon was sick a whole week, so I did an extra week the 2nd phase as well
In the 3rd phase I have been sick for the past week+ so I plan to do 3 more weeks once I start feeling better.

My kids have shared there terrible cold with me. The good news is that I now have a little more patience and empathy for them when they have a runny nose. Being sick is the pits. I have had the most terrible headache for over a week, and haven't been able to taste food since last Thursday. You'd think that not being able to taste food would be a blessing. But for me it is a curse. I crave food all day long now because I never feel satisfied when I get to eat. I don't get to enjoy my meals like I used to. So, I think I end up eating more hoping that I might be able to taste just 1 bite.

So, sadly enough I was supposed to run 15 miles last saturday, but couldn't thanks to this nasty sore throat, headache, bugary nose, evil bug that has zapped all my energy...thanks.

And since I don't get to exercise I am Miss Grumpy Pants herself. I can't handle going more than 3, 4 days tops without exercising. I feel yucky and in turn start to act yucky... sorry family.

But today, I looked up hulu.com and found this beautiful piece of work. It's only 20 minutes, and I really like yoga. It works your muscles well, breaks you out in a small sweat, and gives you a nice stretch. He doesn't hold the poses for very long...but hey. He's trying to pack a 45 minute workout into 20 minutes, and I'd say he does a pretty good job.

Have 20 minutes to spare right now? Give it a try.


  1. i think i will try it thank you! :) hope you feel better soon- we miss you guys!!

  2. oooh, look at that yoga man's arms...i do love yoga too, or i used to, when i did it...maybe i will watch the man do his thing and maybe join him.

