Friday, April 24, 2009

6 weeks ago today....

6 weeks ago today my little guy was born. Oh how I thought the next 6 weeks would never go by (and now how I wish I still had 6 weeks left of eating whatever I want and not feeling bad about it). 6 weeks ago, I couldn't wait to start working out again, and get this extra 40 lbs off asap. I can't believe that today is the end of my resting period and time to get back to work!

So now that my initial motivation has left me, I suppose I will post a few photos of what I hope will soon return! And if you are a Mamma who wants to lose it too, I hope you will join me in this quest!


  1. your biceps look awesome in that picture with the water. good luck!!

  2. you look so DANG SEXY in those pics!!

  3. I will try to keep up:-) Anyway, you have my full support...:D

  4. my word verification was: "bootis"- i like i pronounce it bootys and i think that is applicable to a weight loss blog. (i am just dreading the one i should start in 12 weeks....)

  5. i officially wanna join you in this goal (i.e. firm up and lose the flab i have had since malik was born, uh, 3 years ago. yeah.). and i will have fun watching your progress!

  6. whoa look at those biceps! i wanna get me some of those.

  7. You can do it Matti... I will fully support you if you can get me motivated!!! I am in!!!

  8. Yay for weight loss blogs! This will be fun. I'm doing pretty crappy so far. Hopefully you will do better than me. Good luck!
