Monday, April 4, 2011

Hello Followers ;-) It's been a while

I have been getting bored of videos. I ordered some new ones, but I tried to be frugal, ordered them on eBay...and ordered them from a scam. So, they aren't coming. I haven't ordered the more expensive ones yet, as I am waiting for eBay to resolve my issue. In the mean time, I am trying these two fun websites. I like them, they are simple, they give me a goal, I need no equipment, and very little time. 100 pushups 200 squats. Those are my goals for 6 weeks from now. And also to get in some cardio, I usually dance around my living room like a lunatic while listening to these music samples. One and two. Happy exercising!! So, do any of you have goals that you are working towards right now, or any other good places for freebies?


  1. haha! i just ordered 'brazil butt lift', and am awaiting it's arrival!! hopefully i stick to it!! haven't really been doing much, so i need to get myself moving again!

  2. brazil butt lift? that is awesome! I wanna try it...I have never heard of it! ;-) You should come do the free turbo kick workout wednesday's at my church!! Text me if you wanna come!
